Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Art Gallery Hiding Underneath NYC ::::SUPER DOPE FRESH:::::

So I am going through my usual daily web search for all things which I feel are SuperDopeFresh worthy and I find a very interesting article on of an underground art gallery hiding under the big apple. The excerpts below are taken directly from the article and posted on here for your reading pleasure. Take your time and visualize such a great accomplishment from these artist. I personally think this is really cool, artsy and down right SuperDopeFresh... Now without any further ado...

"It 's one of biggest installation of its kind by some of the greatest figures in street-art and commercial trade. It was open for one night and closed. The equipment used to get there was destroyed and the original entrance was removed. The journalists that were involved were allowed to publish any details that would give up the location of the gallery. It's been open for weeks and you probably haven't seen it.
It has become an elusive pirate treasure of contemporary art.
Over the last year, 103 artists have been secretly escorted into an abandoned train station underneath New York City to take part in the Underbelly Project."


Check out many more pics below....

Looking thru the art work and the stills of artist taking a trek down into the "Underbelly" of the city and rendering an old and forgotten train system into a rustic gallery where imagination and passion for there work is the backdrop to there final production is something to truly admire.

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